Dihexa is known to be N-hexanoic-Tyr-ile-(6) aminohexanoic amide. Its developmental code name is known to be PNB-0408.This drug is an oligopeptide drug that has been derived from angiotensin IV. With its high binding affinity to hepatocyte growth (HGF) and its receptor c-Met, Dihexa is a small peptide that has been developed by researchers from Washington State University.This was done to discover its potentials on cognitive functions of potential trauma brain disorders- This includes Alzheimer'sDisease. This is done through increased synaptogenesis.It has been found out that this peptide had seven orders of magnitude, which is more potent than the brain-derived neurotrophic factor.It's famously called "the neurogenic wonder-drug" because of the amazing wonders it contributes. This is even ten million times stronger than the BDNF or the Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which is considered the leading medication for synapse formation.
Dihexa requires more testing and clinical trials to prove both its safety and the benefits that it can provide. As only animal testing has currently been done on the nootropic, the potential benefits of the drug are not guaranteed. The possible benefits of the nootropic drug include:
1.An improvement in critical thinking- Restoration of the synapses between neurons in the nervous system